We’re talking about the temperature tile. When it’s set to Auto:
In Smartly the controls for HEAT and COOL are side by side horizontally instead of vertically. As such, the tile has to have a wide width to see both setpoints.
By default in HE, the controls are arranged vertically i.e. the controls for COOL is on top while the controls for HEAT is below.
I’m hoping we can make it similar to how it is by default in HE.
Thanks. I prefer this method to changing the resolution on the device. The only issue I see here is my phone dashboard is used on both mine and my wife’s phones so that needs the calibration. I just won’t use this on the phones then.
My tablet dashboards only use 1 device so I can use a custom width. I barely ever update the dashboard so I’m fine with changing back to 60 when I need to do any updates.
Is there a “un-smartly” or uninstall option or a way to essentially get our dashboards back to stock? I did take an original backup of my dashboards, but that was many iterations ago, just wondering if there was an easy way to rip out the CSS/customizations and put it back to stock taking into account the tile changes, etc that might have been made after that original backup was made.
Tech is right, no automatic way to do it. Manual though- if you go into the Custom CSS tab of your HE dashboard settings and remove every bit of CSS, that would take care of most of it. If you went into your JSON and removed the ‘smartly’ tile, you’ll be back to stock. Try clearing out your Custom CSS textbox first though and let us know how it goes!
I’ve been playing with Smartly and I love it! however I am having trouble with the Title replacements not sticking… I see some other posts regarding that here but not sure of the fix…any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks for really fast reply! So neither seemed to work… I used incognito on both the dashboard and Smartly windows… any point in trying to disable extensions or try Safari?
Well I don’t know exactly what did it but its working now! Maybe I was not copying the code the second time… regardless… WOO HOO! Thank you so much for your help…but yet again!
First of all, thanks a lot for this effort, really like the tool but I have some dummy questions:
1 - does the tool supports overlap of tiles? I am originally using a "blank"tile to kinda separate the ambients like, “living room”"kitchen"etc etc.
2 - is there a way to change the tile name or only by using the site for full “conversion”? The the problem with that is that I loose many configurations after I pass to the convertions site like some colors of the tiles etc etc.
Thanks for using smartly! The only dumb question is the one you do not ask!
smartly supports overlap of tiles (‘stacked tiles’), but the drag and drop feature does not. Take a look at this post for examples, and how to’s. If you have questions feel free to post specific ones there.
The first part hides the title, and moves it over. The second part adds words “after” the title. However, while ‘hidden’ the title is still there taking up space, so you “new” title will be off center. The “left : -25px;” is there to allow you to move it back, but again semi ‘hacky’. You’ll need to play with the number to make it work, and it might not be 100% for all displays.
CSS Code (replace the tile # with the tile you are targeting.)
neither smartly working for the follownig code… trying to check remove title and center but not doing it… when i paste the resulting code back into the syatem it is still unchecked… (these last large 4x3 tile is the one i am trying to change)
it was the copy button not actually copying… i tried it on a different computer and it changes to copied … not doing it on my laptop… thanks… will try a reboot.
Try incognito/private window as well. Known to help some. Not sure which extension disagrees with smartly, but wouldn’t be the first time I saw it. Glad you got it sorted.
weird. nope on reboot the copy button is still not working after reboot to copy the stuff back… running same latest version of chrome on both machines.
But is there a way to maintain the customized colors/grid gaps etc etc etc? THe biggest issue I see to alter the names using the webtool for Smartly is that: I loose everything I did