[RELEASE] smartly 2.1.0 featuring smartly-inject

Thanks for trying that, we’ll get to the bottom of it. Looking forward to having this work for you. :+1:

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: [smartly] bug report and support thread

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: [smartly] bug report and support thread

Sorry guys didnt get any notifications about this thread continuing, if you need any help trouble shooting, let me know

hello I have a problem, every time I change something, for example an icon or a color, when I save and paste in my board, everything is deconfigured, the columns the rows, and I have to do everything, any solution?

What do you have your row height and column width set to? You might be having this issue-

I mean that if, for example, I have everything configured, in size etc, and if I change any icon, and update the json, I get out of square again and I get large, separate icons, etc., the icon size is not saved or Dashboard

Let’s have you post in the support thread with some screenshots and pastebin us your JSON.

Support thread here [smartly] bug report and support thread and instructions on how to pastebin here! [smartly] how to send your JSON for troubleshooting

You don’t need to introduce yourself or anything, I’ll just keep an eye there for the screenshots and JSON!

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