And So It Begins

Great news…
Glad things are still coming along nicely

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Uhh don’t take this the wrong way but the original IGG campaign didn’t mention the hub being in beta?

I believe you are correct. When the IGG campaign fell short a lot had to change and I, for one, feel it’s a good idea now. There have been lots of delaying events, even outside of covid delays, so all I think they can say is “Life happens” but I have no authority to speak for OLL.

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Ahh ok. I wasn’t aware of any major spec changes or missed them somehow. Can you or the OLL guys elaborate?

Pre-campaign, we had secured a supply of components for CORE. We sold that reservation when the campaign fell short. Then we decided to work on things further. Was it a setback? No. We went back to the drawing board and have been working on integrating some different features we think that you will like. The UI went back under development as well and has been a bit slow as Eli is using some much-needed paternity leave after welcoming their youngest. I’m super excited about CORE and the changes, but me being excited is old news. I’m always excited about creating things. Also, in the meantime, we’ve been able to create some kits for the enthusiasts for those unique situations. All have been in testing.

As for being in “BETA” … It’s a pretty damn stable version of beta. We decided this route because we want user feedback. I, personally, have been running exclusively on CORE for better than a year. I have to say that the SAF is stable and harmonious. And shit just works. It just works. Stay tuned.


Exciting news!


Sounds good to me!


Even though Discourse doesn’t think it’s a complete sentence…


Lol. That made me laugh. In the end that’s all we want.


Great news @april.brandt. I am still very much looking forward to what’s to come.


People here are worried about it being Beta and here I am willing to pay for it even if its in Alpha!


Is it viable to do a “beta run of 50”, I know I would be ordering 2 if it was and know 2 others also waiting patiently!


Just two…? :wink:


Yes they call me ‘Billy 2 mates’ :wink: , for clarity, personally I know 2 others also waiting patiently! but expect everyone who backed CORE originally is waiting to part with their money.


Waiting yes, patiently no…:joy:


F5 F5 F5

Anyone have a recommendation for a new browser? Mine seems to be broken. :wink:


I keep following patiently.

What did 'old blue eyes sing?
“And now the end is near”…

I’m hoping it’s “And now, CORE is near”… :wink:


You make me smile :grin:

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Just a quick update here. Nothing official. Random thoughts.

It looks like I’ll have more time to work on things this week as I had a positive Covid test yesterday. Now I have to stay home for a week or so. This isn’t my first rodeo, with Covid, but I had sure hoped there wasn’t going to be a second. No worries though, I just feel like I have a bad cold. Plenty of fluids and CORE will get me through. :grin:

It seems that you can even make creating CORE images an automated experience. Markus has integrated an MQTT client into his build environment. At certain points in the build process MQTT sends messages to his primary CORE which sends him messages or indication lights of failure or success. So, everyone knows that sitting in front of a computer watching a build run, or code scroll up your screen is as enjoyable as watching a sprinkler system tick back and forth. That being said, it’s a numbing process. So, the equivalent of watching paint dry. Because change/build/change/build/rinse/repeat is a necessary part of making sure that the environment is harmonious, it’s nice to be able to walk away while things are building. Doing other things instead of sitting. Watching. Waiting. Repeating. I thought this was genius.

I’d have to say that your only limitation in CORE really is your imagination. And, I can’t wait to show you. Soon.


I actually prefer this to watching text fly up the window.

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