And So It Begins

Me as well, and I’m sure a lot of people had some measure of concern, whether great or small.

I’ve seen similar thoughts posted before, but I will reiterate that if there were some sort of beta/dev/testing unit available direct from OLL, even if not the final, final hardware (but fully functional,) I’d certainly signup for one of those, even at a price premium. I’d like to think that would further the cause, but perhaps I’m underestimating (read: just blissfully ignoring) the logistics necessary to make that happen. :slight_smile:

While that would be awesome, I don’t think that would have the greatest return on investment for OLL. To have a decent return on investment, it would likely have to be sent off to press/YouTube so that it can actually attract new customers, the issue with that is setting up a new smart home is no simple task, especially for beta/alpha/whatever hardware, just imagine trying to migrate your Z-Wave or Zigbee devices, let alone the automations. So to make that feasible for the reviewers, some sort of migration software would have to be made, and my understanding is that sort of migration software is a frosting on the cake sort of thing, not a meat of the development, but again maybe I am wrong.

And this isn’t even speaking to the logistical issues that are undoubtedly massive for a startup like this in a good climate, and this isn’t exactly a good climate :upside_down_face:

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Sorry guys…'re you still alive? :thinking:


Very much alive. Busy working on things. :wink:


Anything that can be shared with the group?


While we are actively developing CORE, we’ve also begun production of the Collective line of smart devices that are compatible with current smart home offerings and will be fully supported in CORE at release. Proceeds will be used to advance the development of CORE.

We’ve carefully researched and developed some much needed devices to fill gaps in home automation. We will never put the brakes on small, easy to implement projects. There will always be great ideas that are doable while we develop CORE. You need these. Buy them.

Stay on the lookout for more great things from Oh-La LABS.


No link to the products? “Buy them” sounds like they are now available.


It will be coming. As soon as things are on the way to us, I’ll get things live. I’ll nail down a better ETA when we have one.


Can you share what sort of products?

I could, but it won’t make the wait any longer or shorter. And I won’t have the right answer for you today. It seems that if we wait to say anything as we should, then we’re ignoring you. If we say what we’re up to, then we’re spreading “fluff”. So, know that we’re working on this and once the QC is done and the items come off of production and I see my name on that beautiful box of trinkets and thingamabobs, I’ll post some photos and prices and let the smart device discovery begin. Until then. We’re working on bringing some supporting devices to market to help support the development of CORE.


Hopefully a nice flush ceiling mounted, mains powered, presence sensor. Motion is the single most irritating situation in my home. Let it include PIR and radar for proper human and pet detection. All for 20 bucks.




THAT’S not asking for much, right?


May I wish you a Happy Xmas and all Best Wishes in bringing your Collective Core to market in (hopefully early) 2022. It’s such a needed solution and I want one.

I think it’s worth quite a bit more than the price you marketed it at as long as the software and product is solid. Small quantity run at a ‘believers’ price would suit me - and your beta testing.


Have a nice and an Happy NY!


I have, indeed I had, two HEs. a C5 model and a C7. the C7 has been permanently broken for a few days.
Now I’m nervously watching the surviving C5.
I say all this because … well … after all … WHEN WILL YOUR HUB BE AVAILABLE?

It is time for me not to only begin, it’s time to get a new hub, yours if possible, or to decide otherwise.
I’ m not asking for a date, I’m askig for a time window, if any


It’s ironic that you say this. We’re getting ready to call for Beta testers. I’m not officially taking ANY requests at this point. And testers will be thoroughly vetted. I’d say … 3 weeks the call will happen. Then there is the process of vetting. Will this work? I’m not willing to give up any more info at this point. Hang in there kids. We’re close. There will be an official announcement when we’re ready.


You did ask the HE folks about replacing the C7, right?

Great “unofficial” news on my anniversary :grinning:


I was an early adopter. I doubt they Will cover my device after such a long time

… by the way… my thumb Is hot for beta call!

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