Or is there any way to get that option over on the left to report every 10 seconds. 2 x 5 seconds. I’ve saved it, but it has not “stuck”, in that, the device does not report every 10 seconds.
If I hit “refresh” inside CORE’s ZWaveJS2mqtt, it refreshes, and everything updates (power, amp, volts, etc). But that setting above, on the left, should update the data every 10 seconds. It does not update at all (or at least, it may still update at the old rate, which was 720*5seconds = 1 hour).
These figures should get updated every 10 seconds. They are updated when I manually click refresh inside zwave2mqtt. It’s power monitoring on my switchboard. I’ve not seen the figures in the picture below update automatically at all.
This UI probably won’t update, it 's not reactive mostly. The only thing that updates in the browser is the buttons you can click. You have to trigger these refreshes. I would suggest checking mqtt explorer to see the reporting. You’re trying to harvest this information for something?
It doesn’t all come through the logs. YOu need to watch mqtt explorer. This is why you recommend this tool. The logs are great for us and sometimes great for you, but unfortunately not everything is logged. NOT by our choice.
OK, I’ve just checked the Mqtt explorer, and its not updating every 10 seconds. If I manually click refresh, it does update (the browser showing CORE, the logs and the mqtt explorer).
Edit: it appears my other devices are logged to the logs (debug within zwave).
It may not take such a low setting. So If it’s too short, it may get ignored and go back to default. Try extending the time to 60 seconds and give it a few minutes to snap into it. If That doesn’t report, increase the time until you do get an automatic report.
Yes agreeing with you regarding bogging down the zwave mesh.
I’ve made the time reporting larger, and still nothing.
I’m happy with about 30 second reporting. That’s what I had under HE.
How would I call that command from within Node Red. When I click “refresh” (see first image above in OP) inside Zwavejs2mqtt, the figures update, and that command is called in the zwave debug logs.
If I could call that command from Node Red (say every 30 seconds), it would be sufficient.