Hail Mary, I know, but I wonder if any fruit would bear if we contacted Centralite. Because even if they do not support OTA updating, if we can get a firmware file, I assume Z2M/ZwaveJS2MQTT could be able to help. And if we are met with resistance, we could cite Linus (LTT) and his recent foray into companies withholding firmware for smart home stuff.
Another interesting avenue would be to contact @srwhite if anyone knows him well since he seems to be one of the most experienced people when it comes to these plugs. He does not seem to be part of the CORE community, at least not under the same name.
I’ll go back down the rabbit hole later, but I feel like copies of the various device firmware files were extracted from SmartThings and made available at one point, and that one of the projects that was working with the arcus files had them working for updating, but their functional system was only available to around 20 people, and I wasn’t willing to buy into it for the ability to update my devices.
Poke around wlnet, I think there are links to a couple different projects working with the released files.
I wonder if Arcus could be installed on CORE and take the Z* sticks, update the relevant hardware, then give them back to Z2M and Zwavejs2mqtt?
smh, why can’t things ever be simple?
git clone https://github.com/wl-net/arcus-k8.git
./arcuscmd.sh setup
Downloading istio-1.4.6 from https://github.com/istio/istio/releases/download/1.4.6/istio-1.4.6-linux.tar.gz ...
Istio 1.4.6 Download Complete!
Istio has been successfully downloaded into the istio-1.4.6 folder on your system.
Next Steps:
See https://istio.io/latest/docs/setup/install/ to add Istio to your Kubernetes cluster.
To configure the istioctl client tool for your workstation,
add the /home/pi/arcus-k8/.temp/istio-1.4.6/bin directory to your environment path variable with:
export PATH="$PATH:/home/pi/arcus-k8/.temp/istio-1.4.6/bin"
Begin the Istio pre-installation check by running:
istioctl x precheck
Need more information? Visit https://istio.io/latest/docs/setup/install/
configmap/istio-crd-10 created
configmap/istio-crd-11 created
configmap/istio-crd-14 created
serviceaccount/istio-init-service-account created
clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/istio-init-istio-system created
clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/istio-init-admin-role-binding-istio-system created
job.batch/istio-init-crd-10-1.4.6 created
job.batch/istio-init-crd-11-1.4.6 created
job.batch/istio-init-crd-14-1.4.6 created
Error: render error in "istio/charts/gateways/templates/rolebindings.yaml": template: istio/charts/gateways/templates/rolebindings.yaml:4:7: executing "istio/charts/gateways/templates/rolebindings.yaml" at <($spec.sds) and (eq $spec.sds.enabled true)>: can't give argument to non-function $spec.sds
error: no objects passed to apply