Has anyone run into this issue with Iris 3210-L2 plugs? I am slowly bringing them over and for the most part it has been painless (zigbee side has been COMPLETLEY painless), but for some reason this one plug is being very stubborn about the interview process.
When I first paired it, everything looked okay, all of the metadata was filled in as it should (minus it reporting 3210-L not L2, but that doesn’t really matter) and then I checked today and it reported as dead, so I tried a replace action which went through, but now it is not reporting it’s metadata properly (screenshot).
Fast forward a couple hours, I have tried multiple factory resets, multiple excludes, replaces, and adds and they all end in the same place: the interview being successful, but no data is actually coming through as I expect. If you guys have any ideas that would be great.
My current theory is that maybe the firmware on my stick is a bit buggy.
Interview Log:
Sep 17 15:19:59.652412 Collective-Core conmon[118390]: 2022-09-17 15:19:59.650 INFO ZWAVE: Calling api refreshInfo with args: [ 13, { resetSecurityClasses: false }, [length]: 2 ]
Sep 17 15:19:59.660056 Collective-Core conmon[118390]: 2022-09-17 15:19:59.659 INFO ZWAVE: Node 13: interview started
Sep 17 15:19:59.673473 Collective-Core conmon[118390]: 2022-09-17 15:19:59.672 INFO ZWAVE: Success zwave api call refreshInfo undefined
Sep 17 15:19:59.705875 Collective-Core conmon[118390]: 2022-09-17 15:19:59.704 INFO ZWAVE: Node 13: interview stage PROTOCOLINFO completed
Sep 17 15:19:59.707896 Collective-Core conmon[118390]: 2022-09-17 15:19:59.706 DEBUG MQTT: Publishing to zwave/Great_Room/GR_-_Pace_5268_Z-Wave_Repeater/status: { time: 1663453199706, value: true, status: 'Alive', nodeId: 13 } with options { qos: 1, retain: true }
Sep 17 15:19:59.774582 Collective-Core conmon[118390]: 2022-09-17 15:19:59.773 INFO ZWAVE: Node 13: interview stage NODEINFO completed
Sep 17 15:19:59.776534 Collective-Core conmon[118390]: 2022-09-17 15:19:59.775 DEBUG MQTT: Publishing to zwave/Great_Room/GR_-_Pace_5268_Z-Wave_Repeater/status: { time: 1663453199774, value: true, status: 'Alive', nodeId: 13 } with options { qos: 1, retain: true }
Sep 17 15:19:59.783155 Collective-Core conmon[118390]: 2022-09-17 15:19:59.782 INFO ZWAVE: Node 13: metadata updated: 38-0-Up
Sep 17 15:19:59.785536 Collective-Core conmon[118390]: 2022-09-17 15:19:59.784 INFO ZWAVE: Node 13: metadata updated: 38-0-Down
Sep 17 15:20:00.878724 Collective-Core conmon[118390]: 2022-09-17 15:20:00.877 INFO ZWAVE: Node 13: interview stage COMMANDCLASSES completed
Sep 17 15:20:00.880537 Collective-Core conmon[118390]: 2022-09-17 15:20:00.879 DEBUG MQTT: Publishing to zwave/Great_Room/GR_-_Pace_5268_Z-Wave_Repeater/status: { time: 1663453200878, value: true, status: 'Alive', nodeId: 13 } with options { qos: 1, retain: true }
Sep 17 15:20:00.882912 Collective-Core conmon[118390]: 2022-09-17 15:20:00.882 INFO ZWAVE: Node 13: interview stage OVERWRITECONFIG completed
Sep 17 15:20:00.884527 Collective-Core conmon[118390]: 2022-09-17 15:20:00.883 DEBUG MQTT: Publishing to zwave/Great_Room/GR_-_Pace_5268_Z-Wave_Repeater/status: { time: 1663453200883, value: true, status: 'Alive', nodeId: 13 } with options { qos: 1, retain: true }
Sep 17 15:20:00.886726 Collective-Core conmon[118390]: 2022-09-17 15:20:00.885 INFO ZWAVE: Node 13: interview stage COMPLETE completed
Sep 17 15:20:00.888486 Collective-Core conmon[118390]: 2022-09-17 15:20:00.887 DEBUG MQTT: Publishing to zwave/Great_Room/GR_-_Pace_5268_Z-Wave_Repeater/status: { time: 1663453200886, value: true, status: 'Alive', nodeId: 13 } with options { qos: 1, retain: true }
Sep 17 15:20:00.895297 Collective-Core conmon[118390]: 2022-09-17 15:20:00.894 INFO ZWAVE: Node 13: value added 13-38-0-targetValue => undefined
Sep 17 15:20:00.896753 Collective-Core conmon[118390]: 2022-09-17 15:20:00.895 INFO ZWAVE: Node 13: value added 13-38-0-duration => NaNs
Sep 17 15:20:00.899523 Collective-Core conmon[118390]: 2022-09-17 15:20:00.897 DEBUG MQTT: Publishing to zwave/Great_Room/GR_-_Pace_5268_Z-Wave_Repeater/38/0/duration: {
Sep 17 15:20:00.899555 Collective-Core conmon[118390]: time: 1663453200897,
Sep 17 15:20:00.899573 Collective-Core conmon[118390]: value: Duration {
Sep 17 15:20:00.899588 Collective-Core conmon[118390]: unit: 'seconds',
Sep 17 15:20:00.899602 Collective-Core conmon[118390]: _value: undefined,
Sep 17 15:20:00.899616 Collective-Core conmon[118390]: [value]: [Getter/Setter]
Sep 17 15:20:00.899631 Collective-Core conmon[118390]: }
Sep 17 15:20:00.899645 Collective-Core conmon[118390]: } with options { qos: 1, retain: true }
Sep 17 15:20:00.903784 Collective-Core conmon[118390]: 2022-09-17 15:20:00.902 INFO ZWAVE: Node 13: value added 13-38-0-currentValue => undefined
Sep 17 15:20:00.905162 Collective-Core conmon[118390]: 2022-09-17 15:20:00.904 INFO ZWAVE: Node 13: value added 13-38-0-Up => undefined
Sep 17 15:20:00.906601 Collective-Core conmon[118390]: 2022-09-17 15:20:00.905 INFO ZWAVE: Node 13: value added 13-38-0-Down => undefined
Sep 17 15:20:00.913204 Collective-Core conmon[118390]: 2022-09-17 15:20:00.912 DEBUG MQTT: Publishing to zwave/Great_Room/GR_-_Pace_5268_Z-Wave_Repeater/status: { time: 1663453200907, value: true, status: 'Alive', nodeId: 13 } with options { qos: 1, retain: true }
Sep 17 15:20:00.916406 Collective-Core conmon[118390]: 2022-09-17 15:20:00.915 INFO ZWAVE: Node 13 ready: Unknown manufacturer 0xXXXX - Unknown product 0xXXXX (0xXXXX)
Sep 17 15:20:00.918910 Collective-Core conmon[118390]: 2022-09-17 15:20:00.917 INFO ZWAVE: Node 13: interview COMPLETED, all values are updated
Sep 17 15:20:00.920946 Collective-Core conmon[118390]: 2022-09-17 15:20:00.919 DEBUG MQTT: Publishing to zwave/Great_Room/GR_-_Pace_5268_Z-Wave_Repeater/status: { time: 1663453200919, value: true, status: 'Alive', nodeId: 13 } with options { qos: 1, retain: true }