Timed Bookmarks, Links & Likes

I wanted to take a few minutes and throw up a description for bookmarks, Links and Likes.

Bookmarks are an excellent feature to help you to manage the posts and topics that you wish to follow or read later.
Click on the … next to Reply


Choose the bookmark icon


You will then be given reminder options. If you choose custom, you will be able to choose the date and time to be reminded. Don’t forget to note what the bookmark was for. Click SAVE

These can come in really handy if you pay attention to certain posts and want to check them out when you have more time. I do this from my mobile so that I can respond or post from a computer later.

Another honorable mention is the link icon. You can email a link or use this to copy a link to an exact comment as a response in a thread. It comes in very handy when sharing a solution with another member in the community.


You learned about links if you became


This is a like. Don’t forget to give a few. These little hearts can go a long way to say thank you for taking the time. Also a sign of respect in a way. They are plentiful here. Use them as you see fit. Whenever you can.