Node red-How are you organising your fĺows

I’m getting started with NR and have about 8 flows.
This got me thinking. Very dangerous I know. :grin:
How do you NR power uses organise your flows.
Do you have many flows under one tab, say, lights, rooms etc. etc.
Maybe some examples of how you do it if your willing to share.
Before i move too far down the rabbit hole it would be nice to start with a good method.

Admin team. If you want to keep this in beta please feel free to move.


At the moment, i have a tab per room, or control
Mode, rooms, garage, bathroom, alexa, speedtest, ai, etc etc


My flows themselves are divided into for instance lighting, routines, notifications etc. And then inside each flow, I like grouping to keep everything separated. After I’ve confirmed that everything is working as intended, I will make the nodes as compact as possible by hiding the labels under each Appearance option.

These examples below will be a few of my motion lighting.

BTW, under the general settings I have deactivated the Show node status to keep it even cleaner. This option will be activated again when creating new flows or for trouble shooting where the latter never have occurred!! :rofl:


I like the look of that. If you don’t mind, how do you do that?
I’m in my 3rd day of NR. Slowly getting there. :slight_smile:


I’ll show you… select all nodes and use Groups - Group selection. Then you can use a name, color etc.


Thankyou. Brilliant.


I use tabs as well, but more for “types of automation”, some “area” specific, but mostly more broad. There is lots of space on a Flow (tab), so I’m trying to consolidate.

Also if you have not found it yet, there’s a map and zoom buttons at the bottom right, which can be useful when your flows/tabs gets full.

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