New Z-stack zigbee beta firmware released

Have you or anyone else ever successfully updated the firmware of one of these dongles? I tried with and zigstar and both return “Timeout waiting for ACK/NACK after ‘Synch (0x55 0x55)’”.

I am open to any suggestions even if it is to bite the bullet and to migrate to another dongle if that would just be easier in the long run (in which case I am open to recommendations and methods to migrate).

@markus @april.brandt

Sorry probably should have @'d someone

Sorry i missed this. I’ll get you the info. I have one here so either way I’ll figure it out for you.


I’ve got one running my home, I’ve updated it multiple times in the past, but it’s been over a year since last I did any updates. Is there a reason you need to update? If it’s not for fixing current issues I wouldn’t recommend an update. In terms of why you get 0x55 I’m not sure, if put into update mode properly that should not occur.

As for alternative dongles the Sonoff one @april.brandt is using works really well. It’s an easy switch, it can normally be done without re-pairing.

I have a hue motion sensor that refuses to stay on the network for any length of time, apparently there was a herdsman update in Jan that fixes it, but I did not have luck so I figured i would try an adapter update.

How would I put it into update mode?

As in I would not have to pair each device again? Just unplug thr current adapter, plug this new one in, and reboot the core?

@markus @april.brandt Given Koenkk released a new firmware recently, would it be possible to get some guidance on a way to get the firmware flashed on the CC zigbee stick? It seems I am on the right track, but I am stuck on how to enter into “update mode”, so any guidance would be appreciated.

It looks like there is an easy to use new flashing web app that should ideally lower the barrier to entry even further, but an on-device (CC) flashing would be preferred if possible.