Is there a "wayout Angel" available here?

After realizing the end of this project, I have decided on a way out in several steps:

  1. Recreate the MQTT/Z2M/NR stack on Raspberry Pi as a temporary system
  2. gradually migrate devices and flows to the new stack
  3. dismiss OLL core
  4. find a commercially reliable and, above all, maintained system (candidate: Homey) that has the same potential as Core but also some degree of customization.

So far, nothing new. The problem is that my core hasn’t given me enough time:

  • My main dashboard (the one with all core modules) disappeared,
  • Z2M has continuous malfunctions,
  • the SD card with backups is full, and I can’t delete files and other similar inconveniences as I cannot enter it.

Is there a kind soul who can help me keep Core alive until I can set up a new environment? Thank you in advance.

I followed it here but it was indeed getting quieter. Has the project officially stopped and why? You were all enthusiastic, too bad

I do not believe there has been any “Official Announcement” with the details and what to expect going forward, its more decentralized info right now, but I believe this is as close to “official” as we have:

Can read on further in the thread when @markus chimes in on the more technical implications.

Is there a reason for not going with Home assistant?


Can’t read the post deleted or private…

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Ya haven’t checked in here in forever and that link doesn’t work for me either. It’s kind of a disservice to those who had high hopes to not have some kind of official word. Just radio silence? Unfortunate.

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Seems to be in the beta area. It is still up an available.

Maybe @april.brandt can comment on it or paste it here too.


Yes, completely agree, I was never in the Beta because I didn’t consider myself knowledgeable enough, I did join the Indiegogo campaign, fortunate for me that there was a refund, a bit disappointed that it turned out this way :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I migrated to home assistant green. It works really well. Just moved my stick after installing zigbee2mqtt and all devices came right back up. Later I migrated to the integrated zugbee solution. I don’t use nodered much, but for some minor things it is useful.

Don’t wipe the stick when plugging it in to HA.

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