Looking for some css help… I am trying to display an embedded grafana panel via an iframe in to a hubitat dashboard, It displays perfectly when viewing in the virtual device screen but on a dashboard I end up with a significant amount of vertical space.
@spelcheck I saw a reference on the hubitat forum to a css patch you had written for iframe content, I think that was for hubigraphs?
Hey man thanks for being a part of our community! Yes so all iframe-bases tiles need some patching to remove the spacing around them. We automatically apply these based on detection of third party tiles, but for a generic iFrame the css in here should work-
Thanks so much - I went through and applied to the 3 tiles and it is a lot better. It hasn’t entirely got rid of the right hand side white space but its barely noticeable now. However, the far right hand tile is still problematic, I’ve applied exactly the same css, I suspect it has something to do with the text within the tile “good” that is causing the issue ?
Not sure on that one. Isn’t the text just part of the webpage this is showing? TBH I’m not great at coming up with this stuff, that’s @spelcheck’s job. I just hack his stuff up
Speaking of hacking, he won’t like this but add a width, and then over shoot as needed.