Hey guys, with CORE in full swing, we just wanted to announce a few changes in the group.
You may have already noticed Eli’s absence, but with the new addition to his family last Autumn, he’s found that the time that he has to commit to the development of CORE is much too limited. He’s tried to work around his crazy schedule, but ultimately decided to back away from the project and focus on his family. Eli has an amazing marketing sense and he’s been a positive force in the development of the UI. Even though he will not be participating in further development, our vision remains the same and we are still making great progress on CORE Services. Eli will be greatly missed.
Unfortunately, Rob has taken on a less demanding role with Oh-La LABS due to the failing health of his elderly grandmother. He is her sole caretaker and with the demands that development can put on us, he’s decided to lessen his participation. Rob will be fulfilling a support role in the community when he is available but will no longer be a part of the development team. Let’s keep him in our thoughts and give him a place to feel welcome when he has a bit of free time.
Although we feel their absence, our commitment to CORE has never been greater than it is now. We will continue to move forward with our work and bring vision to finish line and beyond.