Here in the US, Independent Living Centers are retirement facilities for those elders that do not need dedicated nursing care. They are often built and managed as a gateway to a specific nursing home facility. This one is very upscale, think of it as apartments for millionaires. Typically, these are 1- to 3-bedroom floor plans with a view. This one is waterfront.
The nursing home that is to manage this complex has been very techno-progressive and that’s how I originally become involved. Their residents have had Ipads and personal music & entertainment for years now. Voice control was always on the wish list but never implemented.
So, the’re breaking ground on the new apartments and contracts have been placed. Now, corporate has picked the Admin and the admin has contacted me about the possibility of future-proofing individual SH installations and simple voice control.
All of the above is to say that I’m going to press for neutral wires to be pulled to all single-pole switches. Keeping in mind that every change order will likely bring additional budget-breaking fees that corporate will not like, what else would you push for?