[ARCHIVE] smartly sub-2.0

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introducing smartly

the hubitat dashboard skin engine

Goal: “Make hubitat dashboard prettier and more ‘marketable’, hubitat sales will increase, hubitat will hire more developers that fix all the things, smartly ends up being unneeded.”

note from me, ezeek (aka spelcheck)

I’m a huge fan of Hubitat, what it stands for and the concept of local automation. Sadly, when compared to SmartThings, Wink, ActionTiles, SharpTools, etc the dashboard was lacking a modern feel. Sure, HE developers allowed Custom CSS so you can do anything you’d like with it, but along with a few basic shortcomings there was no consistent design and no consistent way to ‘skin’ the dashboard.

“Let’s face it, the stock HE dashboard isn’t pretty. Let’s give HE an assist to get them over the hump.”

With this in mind, and with the help of an excellent team of testers and new friends over the past two months, we’ve built a user-friendly skin engine. I hope you’ll enjoy using smartly, and I hope you’ll continue to support the development by reporting issues and with your patience.

These skins use image and font assets that are hosted on a CloudFlare mirrored server. A docker-based locally hosted option using @markus’s JSinject platform to perform intelligent switching between local and cloud assets is in development (see Roadmap below).

DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS on our WIKI @ github.com/ezeek/smartly/wiki


‘Layout JSON’ is within your HE Dashboard > ‘settings’ gear top-right > ‘Advanced’ tab > ‘Layout’ tab

  • Visit https://hubitat.ezeek.us/smartly
  • Copy and paste your HE Dashboard ‘Layout JSON’ into the green box.
  • Click ‘Update’.
  • Click ‘Updated! Copy to Clipboard’ and paste back into your HE Dashboard ‘Layout JSON’.
  • Click ‘Save JSON’
  • refresh (or when using HE app, back out and click back into your dashboard).

DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS on our WIKI @ github.com/ezeek/smartly/wiki

Quickstart Video

Wiki direct links

For more detailed instructions, step-by-step screenshots AND videos, visit our github wiki.

  • home - this quickstart
  • instructions - detailed instructions with videos and step-by-step screenshots
  • settings - screen calibration and smartly dashboard global settings
  • zoomy (advanced) - can’t find your device in ‘calibrate my device’? we’ve thought of that.


  • [pre-release] CSS Targeting Fix - tile state class (on, off, active, inactive, heat, cool, temperature value, etc etc) injected into the tile div itself.
  • Title replacement/customization/removal.
  • Mod framework for fast implementation of user requested features.
  • 3rd party tile type detection and auto css patching and mod interfaces.
  • Add personalized/custom labels to image and video tiles.
  • Icon replacement per tile and per state with 5200+ modern material design icons (now with search!)
  • Custom icon for all numeric tile types (temperature, humidity, energy, power, illuminance, attribute).
  • Individual background, font and border color picker.
  • Custom attribute unit labels.
  • Allow color and border changes per tile and per tile state by color picker.
  • Responsive device screen calibration (no more creating separate dashboards for each device!)
  • Visually pleasing ‘smartly base’ skin and additional skins being actively developed.
  • All skins carefully designed to allow for ‘half height’ tiles (smarter use of space).
  • HE dashboard UI facelift (with focus on useable mobile design).


  • [built, testing] Make your own skins! Extensible and dead-simple skin creation. (see smartly-skins repo )
  • [in development] Docker-based image, prebuilt specifically for local storage of all required skin assets. not needed since launch of File Manager
  • [in development] Device Driver for intelligently switching between using local or cloudflare hosted assets built on @markus’s JSinject platform.
  • Allow 5200+ material icon chooser to be used per tile TYPE to set default tile type icons.

Changelog closed issues

  • v1.07 | 9-1-20 | #69, #57, #18, #73, #76, #82, #81, #80
  • v1.06 | 5-4-20 | #79, #78, #77, #75, #71, #70, #65, #64, #63, #61, #8 (smartly-base), #10 (smartly-base)
  • v1.05 | 4-12-20 | #54 #56, #59, #8 (smartly-base)
  • v1.04 | 4-7-20 | #50 #51, #52, #6 (smartly-base), #7 (smartly-base)
  • v1.03 | 4-4-20 | #47, #48, #49, #2 (smartly-base), #5 (smartly-base)
  • v1.02 | 3-31-20 | #42, #43
  • v1.01 | 3-28-20 | #1, #38, #39, #40, #41
  • v1.00 | 3-22-20 | initial release

DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS on our WIKI @ github.com/ezeek/smartly/wiki

RELEASE v1.08 | 9-14-20 | see issues

This will be the last version before v2.0. Now that we are in pre-release for Smartly Inject project, we will be focusing mainly on taking advantage of the CSS class targeting fix, and creating insane skins.

Noteworthy Improvements

  • Added auto-injection of Smartly Inject bootstrap support JSON.
  • Added 24 icons courtesy of @techmedx.
  • Added ‘Remove Title’ mod
  • Added ‘Text Alignment’ mod (for text tiles content and titles)
  • HSM and Mode tiles now have tile options
  • Added negative ‘Zoomable’ mod options
  • Added ‘Height Alignment’ mod for dashboard links
  • Added support for vertical level tiles

Noteworthy Bug fixes

Fixes/enhancements included for [names to be tagged here]

Fonts added by @TechMedX

Text Alignment mod

Height Alignment mod

Remove title mod

RELEASE v1.07 | 9-1-20 | see issues

Noteworthy Improvements

  • Individual tile background, font and border color (and border size!)
  • Auto-detection and auto-patching of 3rd party tiles to look their best in smartly.
    hubigraphs thomas.c.howard, BrianP, Navat604, TemptingTime
    bpt life360 welby1978, greglsh
    bpt tilemaster
  • New ‘mod’ framework for adding user-requested mods quickly. Mods added-**
    – dashboard “header theme” header taking up too much space? try our ‘stealth’ mode.
    also make your header a footer! mhutchy
    – dashboard “hide scrollbars” regardless of whether there is overflow, scrollbars will be usable but hidden
    – "zoomable"make everything within a tile x times larger. jasonbalsor, dman2306
    – “buttonize” change the layout of a tile to be stacked large icon and small text
    – “icon only” modifier of buttonize, hides the text, only show the icon and make the icon even larger
    – ‘remove title’ to remove the title and attempt to center the contents of a tile vertically. kahn-hubitat
    – ‘text alignment’ for text tiles, alter the horizontal alignment wfoltz

Noteworthy Bug fixes

  • music tile now allows for icon replacement TechMedX

Fixes/enhancements included for [a ton of people, tagged above]

header ‘dark (bottom)’ theme

header ‘light (top)’ theme

header 'stealth (top right - vertical) theme

example of the slick overlay/underlay of tiles interaction with header (stock = chopped off)

auto-detect 3rd party tile mod form (BPT life360 status)







auto-detect 3rd party tile mod form (BPT general tiles)

auto-detect 3rd party tile mod form (HubiGraph)

auto-detect 3rd party tile mod form (BPT life360 status)

‘hide scrollbars’ and dashboard ‘header theme’ mod form

dashboard ‘header theme’ mod form

dashboard ‘header theme’ mod form

‘zoomable’ mod form

‘remove title’ mod form

‘buttonize’ and ‘zoomable’ mod form

‘zoomable’ mod, used on Thermostat and Clock

hubigraph auto-height/overflow patching


clock using zoomable mod, dashboard link (left) using buttonize and icon_only mod

dashboard link using ‘buttonize’ mod


music tile using new customizable icons and zoomable mod

dashboard link using buttonize mod, background color (transparent), text color yellow, border color transparent


RELEASE v1.06 | 5-4-20 | see issues

July-August Hotpatches

  • Add iPhone XR calibration #79
  • Force 2 Column calibration generated css missing closing bracket #78
  • Add Android Essential PH-1 calibration #75
  • Fix Amazon HD10 viewport calibration #72
  • Add Wink Relay calibration #70

Original fixes

  • ADDED 79 custom icons #65
  • Add ability to change ‘dashboard link’ tile icons, change/hide text #61
  • Update thermostat tile layout smartly-base #10
  • Increased icon size within smartly icon replacement chooser #64
  • icon states with spaces break icon replacement selection #63
  • ‘icon nudge’ for some tile types has the opposite effect #8

Fixes/enhancements included for CurtisZM marktheknife .

image image

Screen Shot 2020-03-28 at 8.45.54 PMimage image image

RELEASE v1.05 | 4-12-20 | see issues

  • Attribute tile ‘unit’ setting in tile editor #56
  • Add icon option before value on temperature, humidity, attribute #59
  • Fix inconsistent white tile borders #54 and #8 smartly-base

Fixes/enhancements included for markus CurtisZM TechMedX .


RELEASE v1.04 | 4-7-20 | see issues

  • Add “iPad and iPad Air” to calibration #50
  • unable to click lower buttons on thermostat tile type #51 and #6 smartly-base
  • device calibration tags-input should show all options with scrollbar #52
  • centered thermostat label by default
  • removed text shadow from link type tiles #7 smartly-base

Fixes included for TechMedX marktheknife .

image image

Edit: fixes also included for marti701.

RELEASE v1.03 | 4-4-20 | see issues

  • ‘color bulb’ type tile icon replacement is ignored #49
  • blank line added to top of custom CSS each time updated #48
  • ‘button’ type tile icon replacement doesn’t work #47
  • Battery % being removed from water sensor tiles #2 smartly-base.
  • some bulb/color bulb icon spacing corrections. #5 smartly-base

Fixes included for promotiondummy BorrisTheCat .

image image image

Additionally: moved hosting to AWS so should be more stable and initial testing shows that smartly is processing JSON much faster now.

RELEASE v1.02 | 3-31-20 | see issues

  • Edit and re-editing tile without Update displays inconsistent editing options. #42
  • Battery % being removed from multi/motion sensor tiles. #43

Fixes included for greglsh symionow .


RELEASE v1.01 | 3-28-20 | see issues

  • Added ‘razer rp2’ calibration. #38
  • 2 column calibration logic updated to allow for more devices. #40
  • thermostat now allows label replacement. #39
  • thermostat design updated for square-tile HEAT and COOL. [AUTO requires 2x wide tile]. #39
  • adjust smartly stock icon placement for dimmer/bulb/colored bulb #41

Fixes included for marti701 TechMedX cjkeenan .



smartly is and will always be free, but the server that it runs on isn’t. we are running on a modest AWS EC2 instance behind CloudFlare [free], which totals up to roughly $100/year.

we graciously accept donations, and they will be put towards covering the cost of the server, but also coffee for ‘ludicrous’ speed enhancements, bug fixes and support.