Wall-mounted HE custom dashboard

My latest effort at an in-room, wall-mounted tablet dashboard. Just real simple control of the easentials for each room and an info section at the bottom for sensors. There are popups for lights, AC’s and curtains providing more control if you click on the icons, but the idea is to keep it simple one click for most of the time. Of course all these things are automated too. But I like the additional control and the “cool” factor of these screens (cheap 8" Chinese Android​ ​​tablets from Teclast, around 50 bucks and super good for the money).

Created using html, CSS and Javascript and using Maker API and the eventsocket.


I like the ZZZ’s next to the wifey’s icon. You definitely put some thought into that dashboard. Very nice.

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Ha ha yeah, well spotted. These are activated automatically based on our Withings sleep pads (when the wretchedly slow HE hub responds to the Withings server within the required 2 seconds they allow). But you can also touch on the icons and it will set the switches inside the HE. This then turns the lights out, sets the alarm etc.

When it works automagically it is so cool. Process is reversed in the morning - when either of us gets up the alarm gets deactivated and when we are both up the Master Bedroom AC goes off,

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Yah I have the same, but with homemade cell phone chargers. I’m sorry that it’s so slow and unpredictable for you. Is there anything that you can do in NodeRed to improve that? I’ve been pulling what I can into NodeRed and it’s improved the overall performance of my automations.

There are no Withings nodes to my knowledge, so I’d have to work out how to access their API directly. Possible of course but I just don’t have the time.

Actually I did cobble together a solution that used the Withings IFTTT integration, then Telegram from IFTTT to Node-RED, and finally Node-RED to Hue. It worked much better than HE because the response resilience at each step worked out OK whereas the Withings response time limit of 2 seconds is often a problem for my HE set-up. It simply doesn’t respond in time and Withings cuts the connection after a few failed responses, which is really irritating. Then I lost what I’d set up when I had a crash on my Pi and haven’t got around to setting it all back up again. I think I will try webhooks from IFTTT to Node-RED - that should be quite easy. I have to find a way that’s better than the flaky HE Withings connection.

There’s this cool flow that I’ve bookmarked that you can use to back up your pi stuff. Maybe It’ll save you some time heartache?


Thanks, yeah actually the whole Pi crashed out and the sdcard was screwed. So now I’m backing up the whole Pi time by time. Waiting on an emmc card because I hope that will be more reliable.

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So just the card? or did the pi die? I converted mine to run on an SSD with a powered usb adapter. I’ve never been more pleased with it. It’s super fast too. I just got a $15 kingston. Money well spent.

Just the card. The Pi is fine and now rebuilt. Yeah I was considering an SSD but ended up with the emmc card (it just arrived in the post so a task to set up this weekend). I’m in Thailand and some things are easier to source than others at a reasonable price plus it seemed easier to set up than a drive. I have really limited hours due to a challenging job right now so trying to keep it simple.

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