Support Limitations

I’d be surprised if this restriction would be enforceable. Similar to used games.

It’s selectively enforced and it’s enforced by means of blocking the hub from updates or access to cloud services. Which is the basis of this thread.

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You raised the issue of physically selling/giving away a used hub not being allowed (to which I voiced my opinion).

The thread discusses blocking a hub (owned by its original owner) despite there being no apparent violation of the TOS.

I was simply showing that this thread is just one example of how it could be enforced.

The selling/giving away a HE hub is a violation of the TOS however that is “selectively” enforced. In fact I’ve never heard of them enforcing it at all.

This group here is the only time publicly I’m aware of hubs being blocked from updates or cloud services for a LOCAL hub. Gotta love that irony.

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Oh, it’s a very complicated thing. It is what it is. We will move forward. Keep on keepin’ on @gadget . We need you here posting new and interesting things in the community. Soon, there’ll be lots to discuss.


I’m confused I thought Smartly was the dashboard. Is it also the app that’ll make up the OLL platform?

I’m not answering for @april.brandt, but she may be referring to how smartly is less impacted by HE platform changes than drivers are.

smartly uses HE’s CSS based dashboards to improve and enhance the HE dashboard experience. There is only so much HE can change on that front without redeveloping the entire HE dashboard platform (which they obviously have no intention of doing anytime soon). Thus keeping smartly going without access to a hub (or a current version of HE) is “easier” than keeping drivers working on updated versions of the HE platform that cannot be tested by the team.

As I’m not on the dev team I have no knowledge one way or the other, but I do not believe her comments had anything to do with smartly being THE app to make up OLL. smartly, and it’s influences, will be present in the UI (hopefully), but the project is much bigger with many more facets. At least from what I can ‘see’ peeking through he proverbially window.


Please pick me up from this moment of Ha disaffection!

Hurry up!! Who knows, who knows. Maybe it’ll be awesome enough for me to integrate HubConnect so other Hubitat users can make the change… :innocent:


Still playing catchup

Wow I can’t believe they stooped so low.
Not sure what they were thinking from a purely PR standpoint.
I guess all the SmartThings and Wink users influx went to their head.
I am pretty sure the Hubitat founders didn’t get banned and blocked from SmartThings when they as users left SmartThings and formed Hubitat.
If anyone was on the fence before, it is definitely time to move on.


It was time for me to move on the day I powered up my hub… Not only did SmartThings NOT ban Bruce from the community, they didn’t ban him from accessing their GitHub repo…

Which allowed Bruce to start Hubitat as a SmartThings clone.

But now that another group is doing exactly what he did to SmartThings, they get banned. It’s a total D-bag move. Then again, it its his personality, and one of the biggest reasons why I am getting away from his shady company as fast as I can.