Suddenly a bunch of zigbee devices went offline

Looks similar, for sure. Note that at the bottom Koen identified that the coordinator crashed after a single device, ‘Bewegingssensor Bed Betty’ sent a message. I don’t see any resolution for the problem in that thread, however. The original author didn’t say whether pulling this device out of the network was successful in solving the problem.

After the dropdown the “Permit join (All)” button is disabled.
I suspect the problems could be in the z2m app.
May be I could try to reinstall z2m. Does it make sense?

After things being hunky dory for weeks I woke up this morning with automations using zigbee devices not working.
Restarted z2m and things came back on line OK. All devices came back OK apart from one Aqara motion sensor. Re-paired it and all was OK with it.
Had one automation intermittently slow. This was turning on a cupboard light when contact sensor opens. This could be down to the zigbee mesh re-establishing itself. As it’s still daylight here other automations are not really doing much so i’s hard to get a handle if things are OK.
First time this is happened but on the positive side, when z2m was restarted all devices, apart from the one mentioned, came back quickly.
We go on vacation for 10 days tomorrow. What a time to put a doubt in my mind. :slight_smile:

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Think of it this way, 10 days for us to sort it out before you return… :grinning: No doubt required… Ok, maybe a little… :wink: Give us your password and we might sort it out… :wink:

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More or less what happenes to me

I wish I had that many vacations… :wink:

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The perks of retiring early and a wife with itchy feet. :wink:

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I gotta find one of those…

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When you do we can all rest easy… so let her know that… I’m not kidding, Screw those high paid EPL players, Date Engineers from Newcastle deserve protection… :slight_smile:

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Been there, done that…

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Sir, you are a cad. You leave my wife alone… :wink: :smile:


I haven’t retired yet… ;-)…
How un-PC of me,… Please apologise to your wife for me…


My zigbee was off line this morning when I got up. We were able to harvest the logs that we needed this evening to see what’s going on. The controller is actually crashing. I need to know what versions everyone is running. I also would like to have a command run if you know how to retrieve the file through filezilla.

I need a screenshot of this

settings > about in z2m

In a terminal run this and retrieve the txt file.

sudo journalctl -u podman-z2m > ~oh-la/z2m-logs.txt

Please don’t post the log file here. PM me and I’ll get you a link to upload. That’ll be sometime tomorrow.

If you run into this, don’t reboot CORE. Stop z2m, reseat the stick and then restart z2m.

If it’s of any use, I haven’t had this issue, but am running an older version of z2m at the moment:


For the log file ASAP, when back at home on sunday

Also did not have any problem in my setup. My zigbee controller is the Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus, running on channel 20.

No problems in my current setup.


What stick are you using?

Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus

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